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An Editorial Comment

Submitted by Roanman on Thu, 01/07/2010 - 06:59


Were I President of the United States of America.

And, I had in my possession a foreign national who had just attempted to murder three hundred or so innocent people on an airplane over the city of Detroit, Michigan, and some other number of hundreds on the ground below.

And, I believed that this individual had information that might enable me to save the life of just one American citizen.

I would personally flick my Bic underneath that bastard's testicles.

And, after a few minutes when the crying and puking let up a little, I'd ask just one question,

"Son, is there anything at all you can think of right now, that I might like to know?"

"Take your time."

"I got all day."


Does this make me a bad person?

Reflecting .................... Reflecting .................... Still Reflecting .................... Done

Don't care.


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