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Feckless Republicans ... couldn't find their own ass with both hands and a roadmap.

Occupy Wall Street

Submitted by Roanman on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 07:52


We've been having just the best time enjoying the haters on both the left and the right as they attempt to either dismiss or insert themselves into the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The trolls, media and politicians of the right religiously pursue the most cliche' ridden and ditziest possible occupiers for their film crews and interviews in an effort to portray the occupation as a gaggle of stupid, lazy, foul smelling, ner-do-well, hippy socialists.

The trolls, media and politicians of the left in a cynical attempt to ride it into electoral glory and in so doing provide themselves with yet another opportunity to plunder America for still one more election cycle, are now seeking to portray themselves as part of and ingratiate themselves into a movement that has correctly identified those very people to be a significant part of the problem.

Both will fail.

To quote anonymous,

"The abuse of corporations, banks and governments ends here."




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